On behalf of the Duke Energy Foundation, Lauren Wargo, (left) Duke Energy District Manager of Government & Community Relations presented a $25,000 check on July 18th to JOED. Accepting the check were JOED’s Executive Director Mark Sutherland and Chair Melissa Anderson.
The Duke Energy Foundation recently announced $700,000 of new funding will be made available to North Carolina small businesses in partnership with community development organizations. Small business grants will be distributed through 20 community organizations to support retail shops, restaurants and other small businesses looking to expand, upgrade technology and improve downtown storefronts.
Director Scott Riggs, JOEDP Community Business Loan Fund Chair stated, “The Jacksonville Onslow Economic Development Partnership Community Business Loan Fund began with a vision of becoming a source to help provide a funder option for small business enterprise in Onslow County. There are amazing ideas for entrepreneurship that often either go unknown with no opportunity to exist or fall short due to lack of capital. With amazing community partners like Duke Energy, who also see the vision and believe in the power of small business enterprise in Onslow County, their generous financial support allows the vision to be turned into the potential reality of being in or staying in business to plug into the vibrant economic engine within Onslow County.”
JOED will provide nine (9) small business grants of $2,500.00 each.
Businesses can use these grant funds for renovations, equipment, technology, inventory, and other assets that will expand the business’s ability to attract customers, grow revenue and better serve their community.
Grant applications will be accepted between September 1 and October 18, 2024 ONLY. The application will be available by contacting CBLF@JOEDNC.com or downloading from the JOED website.
A grant award celebration for the nine successful microgrant applicants will be held at 9:30 a.m. on November 14th in the JOED office (known as “The Depot”) located at 421 Court Street, Jacksonville, NC 28540.