Approximately 7,800 servicemembers per year transition to civilian employment from active duty at Camp Lejeune and New River. The Skillbridge Program is an ideal way to address local workforce challenges, while meeting the needs of those transitioning servicemembers (TSM) who would consider staying here if they could find a good job.
The Skillbridge Program offers an additional labor pipeline for Onslow County employers and is used extensively in other military host communities. This Department of Defense (DoD) program allows TSM to gain valuable civilian job training through internships and apprenticeships during their last 6 months of military service.
Two types of training programs are offered for TSM and local employers through the DoD Skillbridge program. Tier one is strictly employment skills training, of which there are 14 choices in our area. Tier two options include training, apprenticeships, and internship opportunities, and offer a high probability of post-internship employment.
Benefits to the servicemember include gaining job skills and experience, resume` enhancement, a path to employment, and a smooth transition to the civilian workplace. Employers benefit by “trying” before hiring, building relationships with potential employees through their servicemember-employees, and access to a large pool of quality applicants. The program also offers an immensely appealing component: wages are paid by the military for those interns / apprentices while enrolled in the program.

Skillbridge Industry Partners must adhere to these guidelines:
It’s easy to get started as an Industry Partner:
Tomorrow’s Workforce, Today
The Eastern North Carolina Regional Skills Center began as an idea. Private and public partners—both local and state– have been integral to its development. It is located in Burton Business and Industrial Park in Onslow County and opened in August 2019. This facility will serve high school students from three counties, providing instruction in construction, automotive, welding, hospitality and applied sciences.
Customized Training
The purpose of the Customized Training Program is to provide customized training assistance in support of the full-time production and direct customer service positions created in the State of North Carolina, thereby enhancing the growth potential of companies located in the state while simultaneously preparing North Carolina’s workforce with the skills essential to successful employment in emerging industries. As part of the Statewide Community College System, Coastal Carolina Community College has the resources and connections your business needs to stay competitive.
Customized industrial training for employees is provided at no cost to the company by the North Carolina Community College System. The value of this training averages $1,200 per person.
Expand or move your business to Onslow County and take advantage of this build-to-suit program. Contact us today to see if your company can benefit from this amazing program.
Connecting Talent to Jobs
NCWorks helps companies find and develop a strong workforce, by better aligning state and local services and resources to meet that goal. Partners in the NCWorks initative include the Department of Commerce Division of Workforce Solutions, the North Carolina Commission on Workforce Development, the North Carolina Community College System and hundreds of dedicated employees.
The focus is on one goal: connecting North Carolina jobs with North Carolina people through the efficient use of resources, streamlined customer service for citizens and businesses, alignment of programs and a consistent, cohesive strategy all under one name NCWorks.
Visit www.ncworks.gov for more information.