The Town of Holly Ridge hosted a Duke Site Readiness Project Kick Off meeting yesterday.

Danny Ottaway highlights the boundaries of his property within a potential Camp Davis Industrial Park Phase III.

What is the process for advancing raw land into a prepared and marketable site for industrial development?

The first step is to bring stakeholders together to discuss conceptual plans that will define the land project’s “buildable area.”

The first task was to define the boundaries of the area to be evaluated in the Duke Energy funded feasibility study. This was more involved than one might imagine. Three landowners hold property in the prospective Phase III of Camp Davis Industrial Park.  When combined, the project encompasses about 700 acres.

Fortunately, the “right people with the right knowledge” participated in yesterday’s discussion. We could call them the “A Team”: Landowners Danny Ottaway and Chris Buffalino, Holly Ridge Planner Nathan Rhue and Town Manager Heather Reynolds, JOED’s Mark Sutherland, Cape Fear Commercial’s Spruill Thompson and Will Leonard, Duke Energy’s Randy Broom, ONWASA’s Franky Howard, Thomas and Hutton’s Regional Director of North Carolina Economic Development Timothy Downs, and Camp Davis Industrial Park owner Tom Rollins. The City of Jacksonville’s Transportation Services Director Anthony Prinz served as a technical advisor regarding NCDOT considerations.