Executive Director
Mark Sutherland

Mark’s previous position was as the Southeast Prosperity Zone Planner in the NC Commerce Department’s Rural Economic Development Division.  In this capacity, Mark assisted towns, counties and non –profit entities in the 12-county region with economic development planning, technical assistance and program implementation.  Prior to that, Sutherland served as Vice President of the NC Eastern Region Economic Development Commission, where he led the Military Growth Task Force, the PlanIt East Regional Planning Forum and the Defense Logistics Initiative.

His initial work in Onslow County and eastern North Carolina began in 2007 when as a Senior Analyst at Marstel-Day, LLC, he assisted local governments in formulating a regional response to the massive and unanticipated job growth at area military installations.  While at Marstel-Day, Sutherland led teams of analysts that evaluated Base vulnerabilities to encroachment and designed plans that mitigated those risks.

Mark served as an infantry officer in the Marine Corps, completing 32 years of both active and reserve service, including two tours at Camp Lejeune, and retiring as a Colonel in 2009. He earned his Bachelors Degree at Florida State University and Masters Degree at the US Army War College.

Teresa MillerMarketing & Membership Director
Teresa Miller

Teresa holds a BS degree in Marketing Management from Bellevue University and was certified as a Professional Community and Economic Developer by Community Development Council. From 2011-2017, she served as the Executive Director of Monona County Economic Development Partnership in Iowa. Her primary focus was on Business Retention and Expansion and entrepreneurship support.

She is one of the founding members of Iowa’s West Coast Initiative—a regional collaboration to enhance new business and entrepreneurship support. She represented Monona County through service on regional committees governing federally funded programs including the Regional Workforce Investment Board, Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies, and Regional Housing Trust Fund. Her duties also included creating and managing all internal and external marketing strategies. She helped develop strong collaborative relationships among local municipalities, community colleges and universities, workforce development programs, volunteer community betterment groups, small business development centers, local Chambers of Commerce and the business community.

She is proud to have been a part of the collaboration that led to Monona County earning the designation as a Skilled Iowa Community and looks forward to working with the partnerships that contribute to the success of Jacksonville and Onslow County.